Fireplaces are not only a decoration of the home, but are increasingly becoming an important and equivalent source of heating. There is a really wide range of fireplaces on the market, so we would like to give you some basic information on how to choose the right fireplace or fireplace insert. When choosing a fireplace, it is first of all important to know what the purpose of the fireplace will be. A fireplace can be just a decorative element in the home or it can be a complementary or even the main source of heat. If you are only going to heat one room, a simple fireplace is sufficient, but if you are going to heat several rooms or the whole apartment, you will need to opt for a more complex hot-water or hot-air fireplace.
The chimney is an important factor when choosing a fireplace. The basic parameters that influence the function of the chimney are its diameter and height. The diameter should never be smaller than the chimney opening on the fireplace. The recommended chimney opening is 200 mm. The height of the chimney depends on several factors, the recommended height is 6 to 7 metres from the connection on the chimney to the top of the chimney. The next important design consideration is the air intake into the room where the fireplace is located. This is particularly important for buildings fitted with high leakage windows, where natural air circulation is almost non-existent.